
Household issues Brits commonly face in the colder months include boiler break downs

Household issues you're likely to face during cold weather

To assist homeowners with common issues that arise around our homes during the frosty months, have conducted the following research.

Experts at sought to collate a list of issues that households face most frequently during the colder months and utilised Google Trends data to analyse the average monthly online search interest for...

Ten tips to keep your heating costs down this winter

As winter sets in, it’s that time of year when we start to crank up the heating.

With the cost of energy bills a big concern for UK households, there are lots of simple things you can do to keep cosy and reduce your fuel bills. Here are some top tips from NHBC , the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new build homes, to help you save on your winter bills:


12 things you only know if you feel cold all the time

Yes, even in summer, says Katie Wright.

I recently learned a word I’d never heard before, a word that made me gasp when I realised it describes me to a T.

‘Nesh’ is used in part of the Midlands and north of England to describe someone who feels the cold – a lot.

Personally, my ideal air temperature is 30 degrees and I get angry when people complain about heatwaves....