
Do you struggle with a small garden? 7 hacks to make it look bigger

If your garden is the side of a postage stamp and you just want a feeling of space when you step outside, landscape expert Gena Lorainne of home care specialist Fantastic Services ( ) and planting designer Carolyn Dunster, author of Urban Flowers, offer the following tips...

1. Use mirrors

Placing a mirror or two in your small garden can create an...

Small but mighty: How to grow your own if all you have is a windowsill and a front step

With a little bit of thought and some clever ideas, everyone can grow their own, says Ella Walker.

You might be renting a garden-free house or live in a tiny 15th floor flat with plenty of views but no actual earth to plant stuff in – however, that doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own.

Sure, rhubarb is probably not an option (the leaves are elephant-ear huge), asparagus...