
A couple holding hands with female wearing an engagement ring

Top tips for putting a ring on it

Jewellery experts at Abelini have teamed up with Megan Smith, a Leeds-based bride married in 2023, to share tips on how to drop hints on your dream engagement ring, as well as how to subtly find out your partner’s preferences if you’re the one proposing.

Megan said: “Alongside your wedding ring, your engagement ring will be one of the most sentimental and significant pieces of...

40% of us rarely or NEVER talk about sex

Four in 10 Brits "too awkward" to talk about sex with their partner!

With the rules that govern modern society relaxing faster than ever before, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the stereotypically conservative Brit was a thing of the past.

But, according to a new survey,1 they’re still very much in the present. The study, carried out by sexual wellness experts Sinful , revealed that a shocking 40% of us rarely or NEVER talk about sex, desires or...

We’re a nation of ‘Loves’, ‘Babes’ and ‘Honeys

The UK’s cringiest pet-names revealed!

A new poll reveals that we’re a nation of ‘Loves’, ‘Babes’ and ‘Honeys’. The top ten league-table of lovers’ pet names have been compiled by greetings card marketplace, which asked 1,500 Brits to reveal the pet names they use for their partner.

From ‘Honey Bun’ to ‘Boo’ and ‘Baby Boy’ the poll reveals that nearly half of Brits (47%) confess to regularly using a soppy pet...

Brits admit to changing the temperature behind their partners’ backs

62% of British couples of argue over the heating settings

With the cold snap currently underway in the UK, the need to feel cosy and warm indoors is paramount. However, not everyone has the same idea of what cosy and warm feels like; with colder weather comes the age-old argument over the thermostat.

With this in mind, were interested to find out how often UK couples argue about the thermostat. To accomplish this, Heating...

Couple together looking out window

Six reasons why lockdown might have actually improved your relationship

When the world went into lockdown there were many uncertainties and one might have been: how will my relationship fare? Will being cooped up together 24/7 be too intense? Will we fight more?

Well, a few months on, you’re still together, and – perhaps surprisingly – even happier and stronger than before.

Maybe there’s even a part of you that’s dreading the end of lockdown...

Single lady

Eleven things you’ll know if you’re the single one in your group of friends

Being the single person in a group of loved-up couples can be a struggle.

You love your solo life, and know being single is better than being in a bad relationship, but you can’t help but feel a certain hardship when you’re attending yet another Zoom quiz as a team of one.

Here are a few other annoyances solo friends will be able to relate to…

1. You’re always third...

Date Night in Lockdown

Eight date night ideas if you’re separated from your partner right now

For couples torn apart by lockdown, romance has probably slipped down the agenda, but there’s no reason date night should follow events and sporting calendars out the window.

Here are a few ideas for staying connected in your relationship, and turning nice nights out into romantic nights in…

1. Go on a walk together

In these domestic days, every moment outside is...

Five key signs you are in a happy relationship that will last

Sure, the start of a new relationship is amazing (if it’s going well) but long after the honeymoon phase is over, it’s often the more mundane day-to-day stuff that sustains a long-term happiness as a two.

We’re all familiar with the signs of an unhappy relationship – arguing, distrust, cheating – but what are the subtle markers of a partnership that has staying power?


10 money-saving tips for couples getting married – and their guests

If weddings are putting a strain on your budget this summer, here’s how everyone can claw back some money.

Wedding season is here, and while it’s an expensive time for couples tying the knot, guests can also feel the strain on their wallet. According to American Express, guests can expect to spend £391 each on average to attend a wedding this year – that’s £88 more than in 2018....