If your car insurance is up for renewal, shopping around can save you money. But to get the best deals, you need to start comparing early. Here, comparison site mustard.co.uk gives their advice on how to renew your car insurance so you never pay over the odds again.
Doesn’t car insurance automatically renew?
Some policies auto renew but not all of them do. If yours does, it should be...
With growing living costs, finding areas of our life where we can save is always a bonus. One area in particular where we can make some massive savings is with our cars. As new research shows that we're keeping our cars for longer than ever , you too might be looking for some simple money-saving solutions to help look after your car.
It is natural to want to customise your car to give it that personal touch. Unfortunately, it is difficult to customise too much of the exterior of your vehicle and still have it be legal on UK roads. You can put a few stickers in places, but that's it. This leaves you with only one option, customising the interior.
It might seem like a boring alternative; however, there is a lot you...
Selling a car has always been a tedious task and car buying companies have not made sincere efforts in making the sale any easier. ‘Sell my car Essex’ is promising better service and handles most of the tasks that the customer usually performs.
Looking to sell your car? Sell my Car Essex is promising a seamless experience from the beginning to the end, and requires negligible effort...
You’ve finally found the car you have been looking for, but you aren’t sure if it is the best one for you. There are so many pieces of information to collect, so many different factors that could make or break your decision. You want something reliable and affordable, but what does that mean? How do you know if a used car is good or not?
The Met Office has announced that we are expecting a cold front to come in this week, bringing freezing temperatures and even snow with it. This has caused a massive increase of 4,150% in searches for “Snow Met Office” as people search for information.
Due to this the motoring experts at Motolegends analysed accident data to reveal the best and worst cities to drive in in the snow!...
Used car buying service ChooseMyCar is warning UK drivers to be mindful of fuel theft, as the level of the crime is set to significantly rise due to soaring fuel prices.
Theft of petrol and diesel from vehicles is a crime that costs UK drivers millions of pounds, every single year. In 2018, an enormous £1.1 million worth of fuel was stolen from London alone. Worryingly, only one per...
The Ford Fiesta has been crowned the most popular car model amongst first-time drivers in the UK, with an overall desirability score of 9.54 out of 10.
That’s according to a new index study by Quotezone.co.uk , which considers the number of registrations for each car model in the UK in 2020(1) together with their respective annual UK search volumes amongst new drivers(2).
The coronavirus pandemic has hit every industry in one way or another, but one industry that has been hit hard is the automotive industry. So, how have car sales fared during this difficult period?
Car Sales Soaring
Car sales are soaring right now with used cars having 5 years worth of growth in just 6 months . It is thought that the reasoning for this growth is the fact...