
Advice, tips and lifetsyle features aimed at parents, children and families.

Which part of the UK will end up on the naughty list?

Behaviour Study Reveals the Children on Santa's Naughty List

Not going to bed when they’re told, too much screen time, and teasing their siblings are among a few naughty things kids up and down the country have been doing, potentially earning themselves a spot on Santa’s naughty list.

Interested to find out which region has the naughtiest kids this year, experts at conducted a behavioral study.

To carry this out, OnBuy...

4 Signs that you are ready to meet “The One”

When you are single, it can sometimes feel like the whole world is coupled up, but the truth is that lots of people spend their early adulthood either single or moving through a succession of casual or short-term relationships. For most people, however, the time comes when we are looking for a deeper connection and to meet someone that we might be able to share our life with. If you are...

How your dog can get you through the pandemic

Pandemics can be bleak times indeed, but your dog can get you through it all.

Whether you’re an owner or an owner-to-be, you are never truly alone once they become part of your family. It’s been proven already that your bond with your loveable canine can trigger the same neural pathways to the parent-baby bond , so they can really do a lot for you. From spurring you to improve parts...

Things to Buy in Japan

Can't decide on gifts to send your family when you're abroad traveling? Here are some of the best things to buy in Japan!

One of the best parts about traveling abroad is all the different shopping experiences you can have. And if you've ever been to Japan, you will know that Tokyo is home to one of the largest and most famous shopping and entertainment districts in the world! If you...

Top tips for home schooling

Experts give tips for homeschooling parents

If you had a hundred home educators in a room, each of them would likely have a different approach, but there are various steps you can take to get the most out of homeschooling.

With the number of children being home educated having risen by nearly 40% because of the pandemic, Oxford Home Schooling , one of the UK's leading home education providers, has given its 10 tips for how to...

How to make owning a dog much easier

A dog can bring many joys into your life, and many people say that they just couldn’t be without their beloved pet. Yet despite how wonderful dogs are, they are also a lot of hard work, and this is something that you must consider before making the commitment to owning a dog of your own.

Luckily, there are some useful tips on how to make owning a dog much easier, so if you’re...

Tips for coping with a divorce

Divorce is never easy, no matter if it’s an amicable split or not. Although it might be the best thing to do, you will still need time to grieve the relationship and try to navigate through legal proceedings on top of dealing with emotional turmoil. If you and your partner have decided to divorce, here are a few tips to help you cope through this rough patch.

Spend Time with Loved Ones...

Keeping Your Family Home Clean With Young Children: A Guide

Young children and a clean and tidy home do not always go hand in hand, and many families struggle to keep their home organized when they have babies or toddlers around. This is especially the case if you have a large family or if you are a single parent. However, your home can be the relaxing oasis you are looking for it to become, and here are some top tips on making your house sparkle when...

There are ways to improve safety of children on their devices

Eight dangerous apps your kids are using

More children are choosing to spend their time online, and more hours online means more potential dangers.

And yet, not many parents are fully aware of the apps their children are using. Studies about children's media usage reveal that younger kids are spending more time on digital devices because of their accessibility, and the numbers increase yearly.

Thus, it is more...

Instagram was the most used platform in child grooming crimes during lockdown

Instagram the platform of choice in grooming crimes

Instagram was the most used platform in child grooming crimes during lockdown, research by the NSPCC suggests.

New data shows there were more than 1,200 online grooming crimes recorded against children in the three months from April to June, with the true scale of the problem likely to be much higher.

The figures reveal how Instagram is increasingly being exploited by...

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