How to Read a Human Design Chart: The Ultimate Guide to Decoding

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 - 09:19

Have you always felt that you were meant to be doing something specific with your life? Have you been feeling lost and wondering what your purpose is? Curious about your Human Design Chart and what your essence attributes are?

You are who you are today because of the sum of all your experiences. With each pivotal life event, you learn new things about yourself and become a little more advanced.

Now that you're reading this, it means you're ready to learn more about yourself. Keep reading to learn all about human design and how to read a Human Design Chart.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into decoding a Human Design Chart, it's important to understand the basics of Human Design. Human Design is based on ancient systems such as the Chinese I Ching, astrology, and the Hindu chakra system. It combines these elements to create a unique system for understanding human behavior and decision-making.

At the core of Human Design is the idea that each person has a unique energetic blueprint that determines how they interact with the world. This blueprint is represented in the form of a graph or chart, known as a Human Design Chart.

Components of a Human Design Chart and Decoding the Symbols

The Human Design Chart is composed of various elements, each holding a unique significance. Here's a simplified breakdown of the main components:


These are the nine geometric shapes in the chart. Each center corresponds to a specific aspect of your being. Some of them are the mind and heart which play a key role in how you process energy and information.

These centers can be either undefined (white) or defined (colored in). Defined centers indicate consistent and reliable energy in that area. Undefined centers represent areas where we are more open and susceptible to outside influences.


The channels are the lines connecting the centers. Channels represent your inherent characteristics and how your energy flows.

Each channel has a specific meaning and gives insight into how we process information and make decisions.

Defined channels represent consistent, reliable energy flows in our lives. Undefined channels indicate areas where our energy flow can vary and be influenced by external factors.


Gates are an integral part of the Human Design Chart, providing a detailed look into the energy flowing through each center. They are represented by the numbers found at each end of a channel.

Just like centers and channels, gates can be either defined (colored) or undefined (blank). Defined gates signify consistent energy traits, while undefined gates point towards areas where we can be influenced by the energies of others.


Your type is derived from your defined centers and channels. It helps you understand how you interact best with the world.

Understanding these components is the first step to decoding how to read a Human Design Chart. Each element provides a piece of the puzzle to understand your unique genetic design.

Understanding the Numbers

In addition to symbols, Human Design Charts also contain numbers. These numbers represent our birth date and time, as well as the location of certain planetary bodies at the time of our birth. These numbers are used to calculate our unique chart and provide further insights into our energetic blueprint.

Knowing these numbers can aid personal development. They highlight your strengths, challenges, and potential areas of growth, enabling you to live a life more attuned to your authentic self. The numbers offer the final layer of detail in understanding how to read a Human Design Chart.

Putting It All Together

Now that you understand the symbols and numbers in a Human Design Chart, it's time to put everything together. Start by looking at the defined (colored) centers in your chart. These represent areas where you have consistent energy and can rely on for guidance.

Also, take note of any undefined (white) centers. These represent areas where you are more open to outside influences and may need to be aware of when making decisions.

Next, look at the channels connecting the centers. This will give you insight into how energy flows between different aspects of your human experience.

Finally, take note of any numbers in your chart and research their meanings to gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Discover Your Type

Understanding your type is a crucial part of how to read a Human Design Chart. Your type is derived from your defined centers and channels. There are four types of Human Design: Manifestors, Generators and Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors.


Manifestors are initiators. They have the power to start things without needing to wait for external cues. Their defined centers and channels push them toward taking action.

Generators and Manifesting Generators

Generators and Manifesting Generators have a powerful life force energy. They are the builders, always creating and working on something. Their defined channels and centers provide them with a consistent ability to create and build.


Projector human design is a guide. They excel at managing and directing others. They may have fewer defined centers, leading to an openness to external energies, which they can use to guide others.


Reflectors are mirrors. They reflect the community and environment around them. Their unique trait is that they have no defined centers, making them incredibly adaptive and receptive.

Discovering your type gives you a general overview of your energy pattern. It provides insight into how you best interact with the world and guides you toward your unique path.

Mastering the Art of How to Read a Human Design Chart

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to read a Human Design Chart. You've learned about the symbols, numbers, and components of this unique system for understanding ourselves and our place in the world.

Remember, human design is not meant to limit us but instead offers valuable insights into who we are at our core. Embrace your unique design and use it as a tool for living an authentic and fulfilling life. So take the first step in mastering the art of reading Human Design Charts, and unlock your true potential.

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