What are the most common reasons why couples separate?
Many factors can contribute to the breakdown of a marriage. Studies show that divorce rates are increasing year by year in the UK, and the average length of a marriage for opposite-sex couples is currently 11.9 years.
In this article, we’ll be highlighting some of the most common reasons why couples separate.
Communication issues
Lack of communication in relationships can lead to misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and feelings of disconnect between partners. Couples tend to be more open and honest with one another at the start, especially as they’re getting to know each other on a deeper level.
As time goes by, couples often expect their other halves to be able to know what’s on their mind and to act accordingly. Clear communication can be the key to the success of any relationship. Simply let each other know what’s on your mind so you can work through any issues together.
Big-picture decisions
Disagreeing on the all-important fundamental decisions, such as where you’ll both live, if and when you’re going to have kids, and how you should be spending your money. These are big conversations to have, and struggling to agree can cause unhappiness.
The skyrocketing inflation that has lowered living standards is one of the main causes behind unhappiness in couples. As a result, increasing amounts of people are seeking the support of family lawyers to end their marriages.
Unrealistic standards
Everyone makes mistakes. Even the most supportive of spouses slip up sometimes, but unsupportive spouses may hold you to exceptionally high standards that simply can’t be achieved.
No one is perfect, which is why you should both learn to love each other’s flaws. Otherwise, there will be huge frustration and tension built up in your household.
Trust issues
If you’ve been betrayed in the past, you’ll likely be living with trust issues. Trust is certainly not an easy thing to build with someone, but if you don’t learn to trust one another, you’re never going to be able to have a successful marriage.
Marriages involve lots of compromises. A healthy relationship should always revolve around how the other person is feeling and how you can make them happier, which is why it’s so important to have empathy.
If you find yourself in an argument with your partner, you must be able to stand in their shoes and understand exactly how they’re feeling, too. Otherwise, it’s never going to work.
Money is a huge divider between families, friends, and relationships. If you’re keen on saving, but your partner always wants to spend, this may cause conflict between the two of you.
You should always have a clear understanding of each other’s finances and ensure everything remains fair between you, otherwise, it could lead to resentment.