Seven Ways You Can Help a Partner Who is Struggling With Mobility

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 06:30

Dealing with mobility issues is a very tough thing to go through by yourself. If your partner is suffering from mobility issues as the result of an accident or illness, you will want to make sure that you are making life as easy for them as possible. It is important to remember that there are big differences between temporary mobility problems and permanent ones.

This is something that you and your partner is going to have to live with for however long it takes, but there are things that you can do which can help them feel more comfortable and to be more mobile. Here are a few suggestions to help you and your partner.

Remember their Independence

It is only natural when we see a loved one finding something difficult to rush in and try to help. However, this is an instinct that you will need to be careful with. There is a fine line between helping and smothering, and this will be a line that you will need to learn how to walk.

If your partner’s mobility issues are a recent problem, remember that communication is key. Always ask them if you can help before rushing in to do so. Do not assume that they need your assistance if they are trying to do something themselves. Independence is so crucial to all of our mental health, but if your partner is feeling restricted in other ways, it is even more so.

Encourage Mobility

It can be easy to become discouraged and disheartened when you are living with a mobility problem. However, staying mobile is so important for a number of different reasons. First of all, exercise can be some help with mental health. Given everything else that is happening in the world right now, impacting our mental health, getting a boost from outside and getting your heartrate up is essential.

Exercise is also an important factor in your partner’s treatment, as building up strength in muscles that are not being used will make a massive difference. Your partner will have been given a list of exercises that will help them by their doctor, which may include stretching, standing for short periods, or using a roller or walker to move for short distances. What you need to be able to do is to make sure that they stay encouraged and motivated. Think about ways in which you can make these exercises more fun, and think about how you can remind your partner of the benefit of doing them. It will not always be easy for them to stay positive, so it is important that you try to.

Look for Mobility Assistance that Works for Them

Different mobility problems require different mobility solutions. Your doctor will be able to talk you through the options that are best suited to your partner’s needs, but you should also remember that the technology and tools that are used in this area are improving all the time. Mobility aids are out there to make sure that people who are suffering from these problems can not only get around the home but can get outside. There is no reason why anyone needs to be trapped inside all day.

One of the most popular and effective mobility aids out there is the Rollator. The Rollz Motion is a great example of a flexible mobility aid that transforms effortlessly from an upright walker to a wheelchair. Rollz also offers a lightweight walker and a rollator specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s. Visit their website to find out more.

Look at Your Home Set-Up

One of the biggest challenges for people suffering with a sudden onset mobility issue is that the home suddenly becomes a lot more difficult to navigate. The things that would not have been a problem before are suddenly huge obstacles. Even one step down from the kitchen to the living room needs to be thought through. You need to think about how you can make simple changes to your home set-up that will make life easier for your partner, such as moving items to lower shelves and making the downstairs bathroom the main one.

However, there are also bigger options that will require a bit more work. Doorway widening is an option to make wheelchair or roller access easier. Installing a bar in your toilet is a good idea, and you can also look at ramps. If your home has two stories, you may need to consider installing a stairlift. You may want to talk to your insurance provider to see if any of these costs can be covered.

Know When You Need a Carer

One of the most difficult things for someone who is looking after a loved one to admit is when they need help themselves. In the case of some mobility issues, there are always going to be duties and activities that require the assistance of a carer and that will be discussed with you and your partner by your doctor. However, even if you have volunteered to take on all the responsibilities yourself, there may well come a point where you need assistance.

It can be a very taxing physical and emotional job to care for somebody. Even professional carers can burn out and find it tough to use their professional skillset with someone they love. If you feel like you are struggling and you are not able to help your partner in the way that they need you to, then get in touch with your doctor or head online to find out more about carer options. Even if it is just someone coming in once a week to check on progress, this can make a huge difference.

Be Patient

There is no set period of time for how long the adjustment to living with mobility issues can take. Even the most positive people can struggle with the feeling that it is just not going fast enough, and there will always be days where both of you are exhausted and frustrated.

However, it is important that you remember that you are in this together and that there is an end goal that you are working towards. Try to remember to be patient when it feels like nothing is going right and nothing is working. It may help both of you to set some targets that you can celebrate once they have been reached. However, you should avoid setting time limits for these.

Look After Yourself as Well

We have all learned a lot about burnout and stress over the last couple of years, and we have seen what happens when we push ourselves beyond the limit of what we can take. What you need to remember is that you if you do burn out as a result of trying to do too much, then you will not be able to help anyone. Try to make sure that you are taking some time just for yourself.

Talk to your friends and family about how you are both doing and try to keep seeing people when you can. Forgive yourself when you have a bad day, or you get something wrong. You should also think about what you can do together that will help you take your mind off things and make everything feel a little more normal.

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