Activities that can encourage your kids’ love for learning
Encourage your child’s natural curiosity by implementing different types of family activities into your routine to help boost their passion for learning.
Teaching your child how to code is almost like teaching them a whole new language. This enforces communication and logical thinking skills whilst allowing their creativity to flow.
LEGO® Education can improve their skills - experimenting with coding and language encourages your child to learn and strengthen their brains, especially as coding helps children to visualise abstract concepts. They’ll begin to apply mathematics to real-life situations and will overall become confident problem-solvers.
It’s important that children are exposed to a variety of topics that can spark their interest. Reading can assist with the improvement of language skills, support cognitive development and prepare them for academic success.
Starting to read to your child whilst they’re young will make them more aware of phonics and will broaden their vocabulary, giving them a head-start for when they encounter literacy skills at school. Additionally, it will improve their imagination and creativity, setting the scene in their head as you read aloud.
Introducing regular reading times into your child’s schedule can increase discipline and concentration. They may easily become distracted at first, but regular reading at a set time during their bedtime routine means you’ll soon start to observe a change in their behaviour.
Drawing can help develop pre-writing skills and encourage self-expression. It allows them to experience the world in their own sensory way and enables full creativity. Their imagination will come alive, drawing physical representations of what’s going on in their own mind.
Drawing can also enhance your child’s motor skills from an early age. Starting early will help improve their hand-eye co-ordination, leading to better confidence when it comes to using these skills later on in life.
Exposing your child to a variety of experiences at a young age will ignite their curiosity about the world around them. Taking them on trips to museums, theatrical performances and zoos is a great way to let your child explore more of the world, identifying what your child finds interesting and could potentially become passionate about.
Introducing your child to a broad range of experiences will help them to develop physically, mentally and emotionally. The sensory information and the environment they are exposed to will play a significant role in their growth and development.
It’s also worth considering looking at hobbies that your child may find interesting. It may even be a hobby you enjoy that you’d like to teach your child at an early age. Whether that be cooking, yoga or DIY, let your child join in and help out where appropriate.