How to get rid of mould form every home surface
A common problem in buildings and homes, especially the areas where moisture and humidity are high along with the limited flow of air is mould infestation. For instance, bathrooms are an area that can be problematic where mould is concerned. Along with bathrooms, Basements are a major area of concern as well. However, to much shock, mould can grow on almost all the surfaces which include ceramic tiles, plastics, wallboard, brick and cement, ceilings, and cloth.
It usually depends on the size of the area affected and the situation’s severity, mould can be often cleaned up by oneself with the help of a handy mould remover spray. It is usually a do-it-yourself task. There are many DIYs available to get rid of moulds at home. Besides that, there are various products readily available in the markets for the same in the form of sprays, gels, and solutions to get rid of moulds.
- Vinegar
One of the most non-toxic, natural, and effective cleaners of mould is vinegar, especially white distilled vinegar. It is a by-product of diluted alcohol products. Various mould species of over 80% are known to be treated by white vinegar which is slightly acidic and has been proven to be effective with mould. It is a safe and affordable solution that is easily available in grocery stores. Vinegar can be stored in a spray bottle and then used whenever required. It is one handy mould remover spray.
- Baking Soda
An extremely versatile product that is easily found in every kitchen is baking soda. A multi-purpose product used for cooking, baking, cleaning, toothpaste, and even deodorizing. Baking soda is extremely efficient in getting rid of mould at home. It is non-toxic and harmless. It works best when combined with vinegar.
Baking soda can be converted into a solution for better usage by mixing it with water and storing it in a spray bottle. Also, it can be converted into a thick paste to be applied to the mould. There are various ways of using baking soda and every way has proven to be effective in the removal of mould.
- Lemon Juice
Lemon is not only used in the process of preparing various dishes, it is also used in the process of cleaning mould. A non-toxic, natural, and safe to use product that leaves behind a fresh and clean aroma. Its juice can be freshly squeezed and used directly on the affected area. It can be used by soaking a sponge or even storing it in a spray bottle.
Lemons are super affordable and available in every grocery store and are also present in the kitchen almost all the time. Lemons don’t only taste great, they even help in getting rid of the mould from the house.
- Tea-Tree oil
An essential oil rich in anti-bacterial properties has proven to be effective in the removal of fungi, mould, and mildew among many others. mould cleaning sprays using tea-tree oil can be made easily at home by adding the oil, mixing it with water, and further storing it in a spray bottle for use. It can be used on any surface but is proven to be more effective on any solid surface. It has a fresh aroma and as it is an essential oil, it has soothing properties as well.
At the end of the day, it is well known that the problem of mould is faced by almost every household and is present in every building among many other surfaces. Manier times it can be treated at home but sometimes professional help is also needed. Therefore one must keep a check on such situations and take preventive measures in time.