Make your business and brand stand out from the rest of the crowd before you even open

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Monday, June 14, 2021 - 12:37

When you’re setting up a new business, there are a lot of concerns you’ll have. They could include everything from where you’re going to set up base, how many people you’re going to employ and even something as simple as what you’re going to call the business. As well as all of these, it’s important to think about how you’re going to attract customers to your business as soon as it opens. Failure to attract large crowds within the first few weeks and months of your business being up and running, and you could be forced to downsize your plans or even give up on them all together. With this in mind, here’s a look at how you can make your business and brand stand out from the rest of the crowd before you even open.

Create an office that people will spot

One of the most important to have when you set up your business is a location where you can do all of that work. Not only will it give you the office or retail space you’ll need for your company to function, but it’s also a great way to attract new customers to your business. If you have chosen a spot in a busy town or city centre, many potential customers will likely walk past your building every day. That is why it is important to make your building stand out and tell everyone exactly what you’re doing. Instead of relying on a small sign over the door, think about what you can do to decorate the whole building. Consider installing things like aluminium cladding panels that will not only make your building look stylish but can be made bespoke in any size or colour. That means you can choose a Multipanel that matches the same colour as your brand. The great thing about these Multipanels is they’re extremely durable, meaning these colours won’t fade after a few years like most common outdoor paints.

Get people following you on social media

Even before you are ready to serve your first customers, you can still create a client base on social media websites. Set up a page explaining exactly what your business is going to do and encourage your friends and family to like the page and share it on their own feeds too. Once you’ve done this, your follower numbers should steadily grow. Then, when you’re ready to open, you can announce your opening date and any opening promotions to this new audience at the same time.

Sponsor something local

Another great way of advertising a new brand is to sponsor something in your local community. This could be anything from a local amateur football team to a group trying to raise enough money for a playpark. Not only will this sponsorship get your name out there to new people, but it will also make you look like you care about the community you’re working within.

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