New study reveals the secret to a happy life
You only get one life, so you want to make the most of it.
Happiness in life can differ from person to person. Some chase financial goals, others chase family, and some chase both!
To finally answer the old, aged question of ‘what is the secret to a happy life?’, Royal London polled Brits aged over-551 to reveal what they believe the secret to a happy life really is.
Spending time with family and friends revealed as the secret to happiness
Having analysed the findings, the top three rules to follow to have a happy life are; spending time with family and friends, good health, and financial freedom.
In a fast-paced world of technology and social media, it’s easier than ever to meet new people and make new friends. However, making sure you surround yourself with the right friends has also been revealed as one of the secrets to a happy life, with 18% of Brits stating this as an important factor.
The top factors for a happy life, according to those over-55 are as follows:
Top factors % of responses
Spending time with family/friends 51.8%
Good health 48.9%
Financial freedom 41.3%
Finding a work-life balance 23.3%
Living in the moment 21.8%
Surrounding yourself with the right people 17.8%
Having a purpose/passion in life 17.4%
Making memories 17.2%
Giving back to others 12.5%
Commenting on the results Louise Eaton-Terry, later life lead at Royal London, states:
“Friends and family are key to happiness as our research shows that the over-55s valued spending time with their nearest and dearest the most. Happiness can differ from person to person, but good health and financial freedom were also important factors for a happy life.”