Does your business need a project manager

Can you start a business without a project manager?

Authored by annap
Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2021 - 15:08

Starting a business is exciting, but it can also be very stressful. There are many different elements that need to be considered. One of the most important things you need to do is determine who will be working for your business. Your hiring choices can make or break your company, and you will want to ensure that it is the former. One thing a lot of new business owners query is whether they really need a project manager. Can you start a business without a project manager?

What does a project manager do?

Before we reveal whether or not this role is important to your business, we must explain project management and outline the role that a project manager has. A project manager is responsible for the daily management of any projects your business has undertaken. He or she will manage the resources, quality, risk, finance, schedule, and scope of any project.

Why should your new business hire a project manager?

There are many reasons why it makes sense for your start-up to hire someone who has undertaken a project manager course and is a qualified project manager:

Time and money management

The expert management of time and money is one of these reasons. As a start-up, you cannot afford to run behind schedule on projects or to go over budget. You need to make sure you’re hitting those project deliverables and wowing your clients so that they keep coming back for more. Without a project manager in control of all of this, budget overruns and delayed deliveries are highly likely.

An experienced person at the helm

An experienced project manager will also be able to draw on past failures and successes to ensure that your projects do not experience the same sort of errors. They know what type of software and tools they require so that your project remains organised and on the right track. They also have the capacity to see the “big picture” while still focusing on the minute details of their daily tasks.

Clear communication

Finally, project managers also play a critical role when it comes to communication, which is vital to the success of any business. Project managers ensure that there is concise, clear, and confident communication within the project team, as well as between the project team and the stakeholders. This helps to make sure that everyone is on the same page and the project is heading in the correct direction. By having a central person for communication, accuracy is enhanced, and confusion is decreased, which is critical for the success of your projects.

So there you have it: an insight into whether or not your business needs a project manager. As you can see, a project manager will bring a lot of benefits to your new company, and this can help you to really push forward and start on the right foot. You may think it makes sense to skip this hire for economic purposes, but you could put your business at a serious disadvantage by doing so.


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