Feng Shui Rules & Tips for The Ultimate Dining Area
Feng shui is the practice of creating harmony with your surroundings and can be applied to any space or room in your house. Based on Chinese metaphysics, this approach to the home is a combination of art and science powered by personal taste. However, even those most fascinated with Eastern philosophies can sometimes neglect feng shui for dining room spaces. That’s why this article will explore some feng shui rules and tips to create the right atmosphere in your dining room.
The piece will touch on elements like layout, furniture choices, materials and incorporating the original principles of the practice into the space. Keep in mind, this isn’t gospel and is our interpretation of feng shui rules (of which there aren’t any!) and tips.
Declutter the dining room
A feng shui dining area should be decluttered before you start to bring in new elements. Now, this doesn’t mean doing away with any trinkets or accessory pieces – rather, the principles of feng shui involve getting rid of anything that doesn’t offer either practical or aesthetic value. What you find beautiful is based on your instinct but it’s still good to truly take stock of the area. Decluttering will help to maximise space, especially important in kitchen dining and living room layout schemes.
Decide what you’re attempting to attract
A feng shui dining area can be used as a tool for leveraging the law of attraction. You should use your dining room arrangements as a limb for attracting what you need from life. If you’re looking for order and career success, a tidier, cleaner cut layout might be the perfect choice for you. If you want to welcome in guests regularly, feng shui rules that you should create a sense of openness with your layout – perhaps with a round table or dining bench.
Incorporating traditional feng shui rules
Traditional feng shui concepts are lost on some interior designers but they still have a lot to offer indoor spaces. Some of the best ones to consider when laying out your dining room include:
- Incorporating nature. Biophilia is part and parcel with feng shui, with plants known as a powerful tool for nourishing energy. In the same vein, it’s important to incorporate as much natural light into your living and dining room layouts.
- Balancing yin and yang. This translates to essentially creating a nice balance between pieces and decisions that differ/contradict each other. Such as incorporating brighter colours in darker areas, creating busy patches on large tables and so on and so forth.
- Bringing in the 5 elements. Feng shui rules and guides are often driven by the five elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Water and Metal. Consulting the elements is useful when determining the best colour for dining room feng shui, along with choosing materials that you want to incorporate.
These more classic feng shui concepts are great to consider, as they can each send you down a wealth of different directions, allowing for a more well-rounded and creative space once completed.
Flow is everything
Feng shui is about energy, which is why your choices should consider how things flow. For example, a living-dining room layout can be made to feel cohesive as one or separate for a sense of distinction. Consider how you move through space and what will suit you best.
There are no set feng shui rules to follow but hopefully, with this guide, you’ll feel readier than ever to lay out your dining room in a way that truly suits your personality. Remember, at the end of the day, it’s your space to do what you want, so follow your heart!