A recent survey into attitudes towards care has revealed a lack of openness and education

Almost half of Brits prefer to grow old at home according to survey

A recent survey into attitudes towards care has revealed a lack of openness and education on crucial ageing and care-related topics, and widespread awareness gaps among the UK population about the different support options available to them as they age.

The poll of 2,281 people commissioned by national domiciliary and live-in care provider Bluebird Care revealed that, while almost half (45%) of respondents expressed a strong desire to stay at home as they age (rather than move into residential care), even if it was more expensive to do so, less than one third (26%) could confidently explain what ‘live-in care’ is.

At the same time, less than a third (31%) of respondents strongly agreed that they would feel comfortable discussing care options with their partner or loved one, with men feeling less confident than women in having this conversation.

Live-in Care’ is the term used to describe a care professional living with a person to provide round-the-clock care in the familiar environment of their own home. It can offer vital comfort and support for people as they age, or as they leave hospital and need ongoing rehabilitation.

The poll’s findings come at a time when healthcare waiting lists are soaring, and hospital referrals are at an all-time-high. Bluebird Care hopes that by raising awareness of live-in care options, they can help to connect people to the right support for them, and encourage more people to explore care options that will help them to stay out of hospital or residential care.

This was certainly the case for Christopher aged 43 and lives in Exeter, who was born with Cerebral Palsy and has since needed daily assistance to go about his daily life. 

He first enquired about live-in care at Bluebird Care over 10 years ago, since then he’s been able to carry on enjoying doing his hobbies, such as going to the cinema, comedy stand-up shows and the theatre. Christopher receives two types of assistance to ensure he is able to get up in the morning and ready for the day. 

Describing the experience, he said: “Without my care team I would not be able to get out of bed in the morning. They help me do the things I can't, so I can focus on doing the things I can and choose to do. Although I am disabled, I do not perceive myself as such, and do not like using the word carer. I like to think of my Care Experts as ‘flatmates’ - some of them I think of as friends or even family. 

“My ‘flatmates’ are my hands in my day-to-day life and so without them I would not be able to function and be the happy go lucky guy I am.”

Ted Richardson, Head of Live-in Care at Bluebird Care, shares the reasons why people might choose live-in care:

“We know that more people want to stay at home as they grow older, and yet the results of our recent poll show that not enough people understand one of the main ways they can make that happen. Live-in care can keep people connected to the things that matter to them as they age, including family, local community, and a sense of identity and comfort.”

Benefits of live-in care:

Foster independence

With Live-in Care, customers can maintain independence and stay in the place they know and love, all while receiving the assistance they need to live life on their own terms. Live-in Care provides personalised, one-to-one care and support, with a focus on dignity and promoting independence. 

Stay connected to community

Live-in Care is the height of personalised support and is all about choice. The choice to continue living life with freedom, the choice to continue enjoying hobbies and activities, and the choice to create a routine of care that ensures all these things can happen.

Personalised care

A tailored care plan will be designed around individual needs, providing 1-2-1 care and support in the home that the customer loves with the flexibility to change the support they receive as their support needs change.

Maintaining memories

At its core Live-in Care means staying in the home that’s loved, with the memories that a customer cherishes and the surroundings that provide comfort. Customers can continue to live life at their own pace, doing the things they want in complete comfort and safety.

Jonathan Gardner, Chief Executive Officer of Bluebird Care, says: “It’s very telling that only one third of respondents to our survey felt comfortable discussing the future care needs of their partner with them – and that only 26% have a solid understanding of live-in care. That shows us that not enough people understand what care can look like, and so don’t have the means to begin planning for their future. 

“We believe that everyone deserves to have full choice and control over how, and where, they age. To make sure that happens, we firstly need to raise the profile of just how many different support options there are out there and get people talking about care.”

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