Some UK households will see their energy bills increase by up to 500%

Experts reveal how you can avoid the Ofgem loophole and slash your energy bills

Ed Barker
Authored by Ed Barker
Posted: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 16:33

With recent news revealing some UK households will see their energy bills increase by up to 500% due to Ofgem loophole, experts reveal that triple glazing could slash energy bills by up to 50%.

  • Triple glazing improves home insulation, leading to reduced energy requirements for heating and cooling, and translating into cost savings of up to 50%
  • Despite its many benefits, triple glazing does have a higher environmental cost.

UK households should see their energy bills decrease over the next few weeks, as the new Energy Price Cap took effect on April 1st. It’s thought that most households will see a reduction of around 12%. However, the new cap still equates to around £1,690 annually for an average household. 

Households looking to reduce their energy costs further may want to consider replacing their windows. Experts from Independent Advisor Windows estimate that homes can lose around 18% of their heat through windows.

If you want to update your windows, the choice between double and triple glazing hinges on balancing cost, energy efficiency, and environmental considerations. Triple glazing’s superior insulation properties help retain indoor heat, significantly reducing heating requirements during colder months. On the other hand, double glazing provides a cost-effective solution with substantial energy efficiency improvements over single-pane options, suitable for a wide range of budgets.

Katharine Allison, an energy-saving expert at Independent Advisor Windows, comments: “Improving your home's energy efficiency is a surefire way to lower your heating costs and improve the general comfort of your home. One way is to ensure that your home is properly insulated through loft and cavity insulation and employ double glazing.”

According to data from Independent Advisor Windows, while triple glazing is around 10 to 20% more expensive than double glazing, the investment can pay off within a few years. This is based on triple glazing offering energy bill savings of 50%, as suggested by window suppliers. 

Katharine Allison adds: “Other benefits of having multi-glazed windows are fewer draughts, less outside noise penetrating your home, and a reduced risk of condensation, which helps prevent mould from developing. When choosing between triple and double glazing, consider your budget, the typical weather in your area, and the potential impact on your home's energy rating.

“Here are the main things you need to bear in mind when installing new windows:

Assess your home's orientation and external environment to choose the appropriate glazing

“Take note of the direction your windows face. South-facing windows receive more sunlight and may benefit from stronger glazing to prevent solar gain causing your rooms to become uncomfortably hot.. If you live in a particularly windy or noisy area, thicker glazing can help mitigate these issues, too.

Consider the long-term savings potential versus the upfront cost

“Although higher-grade glazing like triple-glazing is more expensive initially, it could save you more on heating bills in the long run. Calculate the break-even point to see how many years it will take for the savings to cover the initial investment.

Check for any available government grants or subsidies for energy-efficient renovations

“Research local and national programmes that offer financial assistance for installing energy-efficient windows. This can significantly reduce your upfront costs and make higher-quality windows more affordable.

Ensure proper installation by certified professionals to maximise the benefits

“Hire a reputable contractor with experience in installing energy-efficient windows. Proper installation is crucial to ensure the windows perform as expected, avoiding gaps that could lead to draughts or heat loss.

Regularly maintain window seals and frames to sustain efficiency

“Inspect and clean the seals and frames of your windows at least twice a year to ensure they remain airtight and watertight. Look for signs of wear or damage and address these issues promptly to maintain insulation effectiveness.

Explore additional window treatments like thermal curtains for extra insulation

“Use heavy, insulated curtains to help keep heat in during the winter and block out the sun’s heat during the summer. This can be a cost-effective supplement to your glazing, especially in extreme temperatures.

Evaluate the security features of both glazing options

“Assess the locking mechanisms and strength of the glass offered by different glazing options. Higher security features can deter burglaries and provide peace of mind, in addition to insulation benefits.

Ask about the lifespan and warranty of the window systems

“Check how long the windows are expected to last and what the warranty covers. Opt for windows with a long lifespan and comprehensive warranty to ensure value for your investment.

Consider the aesthetic impact on your home’s design

“Choose windows that complement the style and era of your home. Consider how different frames and types of glass can affect the look of your house from both the inside and the outside.

Review feedback and ratings from other homeowners

“Look for reviews and testimonials from others who have installed the windows you are considering. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality and performance of the windows, as well as the company's customer service.”

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