5 Home Protection Tips for Your Next Renovation

Ellie Green
Authored by Ellie Green
Posted: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 06:18

When deciding to take on a renovation project, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of completing the project. However, you need to spend time planning the project including the less appealing aspects like how to keep your home safe, clean, and undamaged. After all, your house is going to be plagued with noise and dust for months. Throughout this article, we discuss five strategies for keeping your home safe during a renovation. 

Cover the Floors

When you’re setting up the renovation site, it’s important to put floor protection measures in place to avoid causing unnecessary damage or mess. Before you get started, you have to completely clean the floor and then lay down protective materials like boards and sheeting. It’s not enough just to protect the immediate area; you’ll need to cover any piece of floor that you will be walking over.

Prevent Dust Flow

Your renovation project will bring about plenty of dust, which can be hazardous to your health and home. Therefore, you need to take measures to contain dust in the renovation room, which you can do by covering up all entry and exit points with plastic sheeting. Don’t worry, you’ll still have easy access to the space because many temporary dust walls have zips on them.

Use an Air Purifier

You can take every method in the renovation playbook to reduce dust flow, but it’s always going to find ways to seep through the cracks. Luckily, you can limit the spread of dust even further by using an air purifier, which will clear the air of around 99.9% of harmful elements. Even though this involves an initial investment, you can rest easy that the benefits far make up for it, especially if you don’t have to replace dust-laden belongings.

Reduce Noise

Most people only think about the visible mess of a home renovation, but it’s also going to generate a lot of noise. Even though this won’t cause physical damage to your home, it can disturb people in the rest of the home and the local neighbourhood. Although you’ll never eliminate noise completely, you can take measures to reduce the impact including getting all loud work completed at the same time each day and communicating with neighbours about the work you’ll be doing.

Always Clean Up

Every single renovation project will generate a mess, and it doesn't matter what size it is. If you allow dust from your remodel to sit, the chances are it’s going to ruin rugs, furniture, and even your hardwood floors. Therefore, you should make sure you have a powerful HEPA vacuum cleaner to tackle the dust. Alternatively, if you’re hiring a contractor, find out what cleaning processes they have in place before they begin.

Renovation projects will boost the value of your home, but it’s important to make sure you don’t cause unnecessary damage in the process. To do this, simply follow the tips discussed above and remember to clean as you go.

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