Regularly Send Parcels From Home? The 5 Must-Have Accessories You Should Invest In
With so much modern technology designed to make communication easier, it can be easy to forget that direct mail still exists!
However, even the greatest tech minds have yet to develop a way to send parcels through the Internet, in the way we saw in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. Parcels still need to be physically handled and delivered, and while tech can make that easier, we still need physical delivery systems.
For those of us who send parcels regularly from home, finding ways to make the process easier can save time and reduce our stress, so it’s worth exploring new solutions. Billions of parcels are sent and delivered daily throughout the UK, so it’s understandable that many of us are seeking ways to make sending packages more fun and less like a chore.
Whether you run an online business selling merchandise, or you have a large, spread-out family and just love sending them homemade treats, if you send parcels regularly from your home, then here are some of the accessories you need to buy to make your life easier.
Custom Sticky Labels
Re-writing your return address, shipping notes, or return instructions can waste a lot of your valuable time, so instead, consider having bespoke printed labels made. Providers like Sticky Labels offer high-quality printed labelsto a wide range of clients, ranging from major organisations like the NHS and PepsiCo to individual clients, so you know you’ll be in safe hands. They aim to turn orders around as quickly as possible, with same and next-day options available depending on demand. With a range of styles, you can find labels to suit your every need.
Various Packaging Materials
Sending parcels requires a lot of boxes, large labels and packaging filler to keep all your goodies safe in transit. Getting what you need, when you need it, means that you’ll end up spending more money and time choosing the products you require. Instead, try to keep a stash of packaging products handy. Think about the types of parcels you send the most often and buy a selection of packaging materials to suit them. Keep envelopes of all sizes and items like string and tape handy, so you always have them when you’re making up a parcel.
Large Storage Bins
Having all these packaging products lying around your house can get messy, and mean that you end up damaging fragile items like paper products. They can’t be exposed to dampness or excess heat, so if you’re leaving them on the floor or on desks, then they could become unusable. The best approach for storing packaging materials until they’re required is to keep them in large storage boxes or bins. Those big white storage containers can be handy, or if you have a lot of large cardboard boxes, then consider getting a large cylindrical bin, into which you can cram everything. You can then store them in a garage or attic out of the way, so they’re safe and ready for your next parcel-packing session.
The Right Multi-Tool
Opening and closing various packages, cutting up materials and scraping off old labels to re-use boxes requires the right tools. While you could keep a pen-knife, scraper, screwdriver and various other tools to hand, a multi-tool is an ideal solution. You can keep it handy in a drawer or even on your keys, then grab it whenever you need it. There are many great multi-tools for various purposes, including sending parcels, so you can find the right one that works for you. Explore the options and look for one that has all the tools you want and some extras. Many also have bottle openers and other handy uses, so you can make the most of them across various facets of your life.
A Gorgeous Notepad
When you’re sending out various parcels through different carries and systems, you might need to make notes and quick calculations. While most parcel couriers have a digital platform to allow you to store information, it can be nice to have it all written down and neatly stored and ready for you. That’s why we suggest getting a beautiful notebook to store everything in. While you could choose a piece of organisation software, it can be whimsical and fun to have a notebook that reflects your style and leaves you feeling happy every time you use it.
Parcel Packing Accessories: A Quick Conclusion
Sending parcels regularly can take up a lot of your time and energy, so you need to find ways to streamline your process. Once you notice that you send packages more than once or twice a week, you can start considering how you can save yourself time and still get the parcels out for delivery quickly and correctly. These are some of the tools that we’ve found useful, so you can find ones that will suit your style and requirements.