25 Things Brits Wish They Had The Guts To Do
A new study suggests as many as eight in ten Brits (80 percent) are not living life to the full, with 43 percent saying a lack of confidence holds them back.
In fact, a massive 94 percent believe they would be happier if they did more of what makes them happy.
And the survey revealed a list of 25 things we would LOVE to do, if we had more confidence, with dancing on a bar top or table (8 percent) going on holiday alone (27 percent), quitting your job to start your own company (24 percent) and telling someone you dislike what you really think of them (22 percent) making the list.
17 percent would love to pen a novel, while nine percent would love to do a David Brent and record their own song.
As many as 15 percent would simply like to add a bit of spice to their sex life, by being more adventurous in bed, while one in twenty (6 percent) have always wished they had the guts to jump off the highest diving board at the swimming pool.
Yet over a quarter (28 percent) admit to not doing the everyday things that make them happy due to ‘fear of judgement’ from others.
One in three (29 percent) admit they’re afraid they will fail if they follow their dreams, while a further 28 percent are scared of the unknown.
Behavioural expert and psychologist Anjula Mutunda said “What tends to hold people back from doing simple things that make them happy like dancing, singing or even just jazzing up their wardrobe is the fear of judgement by others. However, ditching that fear could be one of the most liberating things you could do for yourself. Whether its singing in the shower, or dancing to your favourite tunes, studies show that activities like these could not only help to lower tension, relieve stress, and improve mental health but boost mood too”.
A fifth (22 percent) are letting embarrassment and their inhibitions hold them back (21 percent) from doing the everyday things that make them happy, with a further 20 percent worrying that they will look silly.
In a bid to help Brits find their inner free spirit and embrace what makes them truly happy, premium milkshake brand, Shaken Udder, who commissioned the poll, has launched a series of ‘Liberation Lessons’ to help Brits live life to the full.
A spokesperson for Shaken Udder said, “One in five Brits avoid hitting the dancefloor, despite the fact it makes them happy. We’re keen to encourage people to cast aside their inhibitions.
Overall, 19 percent hanker after the confidence to be non-conformist with their fashion choices, but play it safe instead, with 28 percent confessing they have had the same style for as long as they can remember.
Worryingly, a third (33 percent) say they are doing less of what makes them happy this year, compared to last year.
88 percent believe that you care less about what people think the older you get, with 52 years old the age that you stop caring.
On 8 June, three liberation lessons will take place in Soho, London, where Brits will be given the tools to find moments of joy in each day. These include a ‘Dad Dancing’ class with Outta Puff Daddys artistic director, Paul Dukes, ‘Show(er) Tunes lessons with Julie Miles, vocalist, and a ‘Dopamine Dressing’ session with TikTok fashionista Jay Beech.
- Eat whatever you want 27%
- Go on holiday alone 27%
- Start your own company 24%
- Tell someone what you really think of them 22%
- Write a novel 17%
- Get a tattoo 17%
- Be more adventurous in bed 15%
- Do a sky dive 15%
- Run a marathon 14%
- Sing karaoke in a room full of people 12%
- Lean to ride a horse 12%
- Go skinny dipping 11%
- Tell someone you fancy them 11%
- Dance in front of other people 11%
- Learn to salsa 10%
- Act in a play 9%
- Record a song 9%
- Dance on a bar or table 8%
- Go on a blind date 8%
- Learn to tango 8%
- Jump into a pool fully clothed 7%
- Dye your hair purple 7%
- Set a Guinness World Record 7%
- Dive off the high board at the swimming pool 6%
- Shave your head 6%