Addiction struggles can led to swapping addictions

Cross Addiction: Six Signs to Recognise in Yourself

James Carter
Authored by James Carter
Posted: Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 16:07

Denise Welch recently opened up about her addiction struggles with a poignant post on her Instagram, where she described gaining weight after swapping her dependency on alcohol for food addiction instead. 

This ‘swapping’ behaviour is known as transfer or cross addiction - where someone suffering from substance addiction or a behavioural disorder will swap one bad habit for another to get the same feeling of relief.  

While Denise has since gone on to change her relationship with food after therapy and mentorship, experts have explained that cross addiction can be common among those that struggle with substance abuse or addictive behaviours. 

Below Martin Preston, Founder and Chief Executive at Private Rehab Clinic Delamerehas explained exactly what cross-addiction is and how you can speak to a loved one who may be struggling. 

What is Cross Addiction?

“Cross addiction happens when a person who struggles with substance dependency or has addictive traits, tries to compensate for the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that they are experiencing while trying to get better, by switching one addiction with another. 

“This happens because addiction can cause a chemical imbalance in the brain, which makes it hard to give up habits and not be dependent on something. 

“When people cross their addictions, it can often manifest itself as swapping one dangerous substance for another, that will have similar or the same effects as their original addiction did. 

“In some cases, cross addiction can also cause a different type of problem for the sufferer. For example, someone suffering from alcohol addiction but has chosen to go sober may switch to a gambling addiction instead, because the high of winning a bet keeps them distracted from the withdrawal symptoms they are feeling from not drinking. 

“Like with any addiction, if you are worried about a loved one who you think might be transferring habits from an old addiction to a new one, there are some key signs you can look out for. These include: experiencing feelings of anxiety and depression, money problems related to a new addiction such as shopping or gambling, and obsessing over how to get more of a substance or thing related to the addiction.” 

Do you have an addiction - signs and symptoms to recognise in yourself 

If you think you or someone you love may be suffering from addiction, then identifying with one or more of the following signs and symptoms may indicate a problem with addiction that requires professional help.

1 A compulsive need to engage with a behaviour or substance

Addiction is often characterised by a compulsion to engage in a particular behaviour or get access to a substance. This means that even when a person wants to stop their addictive behaviour, they are unable to do so. 

For example, while a person who drinks a glass of wine every evening might not necessarily have a problem, when the desire to drink becomes all they think about, to the point they can’t stop it, it could be a sign they are struggling with alcoholism. 

2 Spending less time at work or doing other activities 

A person who is struggling with addiction may also become withdrawn from work or choose to engage less with activities that they used to enjoy and spend more time using a substance or engaging in dangerous behaviour instead. 

3 Denial and Secrecy 

Another sign that could indicate that someone is struggling with addictive behaviours, is denial or secrecy. For example, a person who has just one drink every day may use this as an excuse and claim that they ‘can’t’ be an alcoholic because they stick to the recommended daily intake.

However, denial and secrecy are often the brain's way of protecting addiction from being challenged and can more often than not be subconscious. 

4 Experiencing withdrawal symptoms 

If a person abuses a substance or engages in an addictive behaviour every single day and starts to become dependent, over time they may begin to experience withdrawal symptoms on the days they do not have access to it. 

Depending on the addiction, symptoms can sometimes be life-threatening and can range from shaky hands, insomnia and anxiety to more severe problems including seizures and hallucinations. 

5 Continuing to engage in addictive behaviour despite the negative consequences 

Those who have developed addictive behaviours may find it difficult to stop despite the negative consequences it may be having on them or their loved ones. 

The sufferer may even experience a close brush with death, or lose relationships as a result but will be compelled to continue despite what has already happened or what could happen in the future. 

6 Becoming Anxious or Depressed

Those who are suffering from addiction may also begin to experience psychological issues such as anxiety or depression as well as physical problems also. 

When addiction begins to progress, damage is caused to the individual's dopamine system in the brain meaning that they are likely to become progressively more depressed and anxious.

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