How Can Start-Ups Impact Our Environment?

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Saturday, April 8, 2023 - 06:48

Even the biggest businesses in the world had to begin somewhere and there was a time when household names were considered start-ups, having to navigate their market, promote their products and services and stay on top of their accounts. In this day and age, new companies are popping up all the time and with more and more requiring resources and energy, it’s never been more important to do your bit to reduce your carbon footprint.

Does a start-up have that much of an impact on the environment?

Yes, but each one is different. If you consider the time and effort needed to establish a business, as well as the volume of resources required; you’ll likely understand just how much of an effect these activities can have on the world. From requiring high-powered personal computers and the electricity that they use, right through to the sort of disposable items that will likely be needed for an office – let’s explore a little more about just how vital it can be to reduce wastage and choose eco and alternative options when establishing a business with our startup advisory guide.

Choosing eco-friendly alternatives

Many companies use cups, bottles, straws and other plastic items in an office, whether it has been set up at home or if it has a dedicated office. A good alternative to these provisions is to go for an environmentally-friendly option. Instead of plastic straws, choose metal ones that can be washed and reused - or even organic ones that will decompose and pose no threat to the environment. The same can be said for cups, plates, cutlery and more.

Consider solar power

Many companies simply plug their devices into a power outlet and get to work, but just imagine how much electricity this requires – all of which contributes to global warming. Instead, solar panels can be installed and if the tens of thousands of new start-ups being established each year relied on natural energy instead of electrical options; the impact would be huge as far as looking after the environment is concerned.

Turn to micromobility

Another excellent way to reduce a carbon footprint while getting fit in the process is micromobility. This solution is a fantastic way to help the environment, as instead of relying on fuel-hungry vehicles like cars, motorbikes and vans, a business could instead utilise the potential of bicycles and scooters. These devices rely on the energy of a person instead of the planet - and as more and more towns and cities are introducing eco-friendly paths and transportation options to get around, a company won’t just benefit the environment, it could also see a huge drop in its fuel expenses as a result.

Use recyclable packaging

It’s been estimated that just 20 of the world’s largest companies contributed over 130 million tons of plastic waste in one year. This is a very large amount and as it doesn’t decompose, it will remain where it was gotten rid of potentially for centuries. A good idea for a start-up company would be to only invest in recyclable packaging whenever they need to buy anything for their business. By doing so, the company won’t just be reducing their costs by opting for a cheaper solution – they’ll be avoiding the risk of damaging the environment in the process.

Renewable energy

Going hand in hand with other techniques and strategies, the use of renewable energy is exactly what its name might suggest – energy that isn’t wasted, one use only, or harmful to the environment as it can be renewed and recycled, before being used again. This includes aspects such as sunlight, which can be used to power solar panels, or wind farms that can be relied upon to provide energy to generators, which when stored with minimal wastage, can power an office for days.

Low-carbon economy

Low-carbon economy, or decarbonisation as it’s commonly referred to, is a strategy that helps to implement energy sources that emit lower greenhouse gases, therefore reducing the impact on the environment. There are so many options available to businesses, from modifying the way in which a factory processes certain materials to eliminate carbon dioxide from being emitted, right through to upgrading a power source to rely on wind, solar, hydro, biomass, or even geothermal alternatives.

Can start-ups really help?

With so many start-up companies being established each and every year, it’s no wonder why it can be so important to operate as organically as possible. By doing so, the carbon footprint of the business will be reduced, they’ll be contributing to the recovery of the environment and even put pressure on manufacturers to choose a greener solution for their products.

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