Vaser Liposuction: What is it?
VASER liposuction is the most modern procedure for liposuction. It makes use of ultrasound wavelengths to aid in slimming and contouring the body. This is the least costly and most effective cosmetic surgery to get a slimmer, more toned body while getting rid of stubborn fat areas.
Manchester Private Hospital has a team of highly skilled plastic surgeons that offer VASER liposuction. The procedure is carried out under daytime medical care, and patients are able to leave the hospital the very same day after surgery — without the need for staying overnight.
What is Vaser liposuction?
VASER stands for 'Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance' liposuction. It delivers ultrasonic pulses via the specially designed cannula to liquefy the fat. Ultrasonic waves resonate into the skin and melt the thick layer of fat whilst reducing the damages to nearby nerves, collagen, blood vessels or tissues.
The ultrasound technology of aids the surgeon in achieving greater precision and control while removing fat from areas where it's hard to get rid of through diet and exercise. It can be individualised for certain bodies and types. VASER liposuction can also provide significant muscle definition using high-definition (4D) probes, creating abs with six packs and a turtle tummy.
The treatment has been overwhelmingly chosen by cosmetic and plastic surgery specialists within the UK over the traditional, hand-operated procedure of liposuction.
VASER liposuction surgery procedure
The minimally invasive procedure is generally performed generally under local anesthesia, but occasionally under general anesthesia or IV sedation. Ultrasound waves are produced through the VASER console and then released by the microcannulas attached to it, which create an emitted sound under the skin, between fat layers, slowly melting it until deep layers are removed. This takes less time than the manual method.
The VASER probes eliminate the need for vigorous poking with a cannula, giving surgeons greater control and the ability to access problematic areas and ensure an even removal of the entire fat layer with a lower risk of damaging collagen or nerves whilst reducing the fatigue.
After Surgery
After the procedure, the patient is taken from the operating theatre and placed in a comfortable area to relax before being discharged with an adult carer who can be of an assistance for first 24 hours. Patients should be out and about in several hours after the procedure.
Patients will heavily padded with absorbable pads and will need to wear compression garments along with binders throughout the first few days to drain any fluid that remains after surgery.
There can be some soreness and swelling after the procedure and the patient may be put on a brief course of antibiotics to prevent infection. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is recommended after the surgery which aids in recovery and improved results.
Benefits of VASER Liposuction
It's a minimally invasive procedure that involves only small incisions and results in little scarring without the need for stitches. This form of liposuction is less painful, swelling and downtime than traditional liposuction.
Other benefits include:
- Causes little or no harm to blood vessels or other tissues.
- Minimal downtime: walk-in, walk-out. No overnight stay required.
- Enhances collagen production in the skin, which results in the skin's tightening.
- Vaser offers people the opportunity to reduce fat in a specific area of their bodies.
VASER Lipo v Traditional Lipo
To understand the advantages of VASER, it is important to know the difference between traditional lipo and VASER. Both are methods for eliminating fat that begin by injecting tumescent fluid. However, each one has its own distinct procedure that is followed.
VASER Lipo: This method uses an ultrasonic device to gently break up fat cells to facilitate their removal through a cannula.
Traditional Lipo: The surgeon cuts an incision and inserts a cannula, which is a tiny tube. The cannula is attached to a machine that removes the fat with suction. The surgeon moves the cannula in a circular motion to focus on fat and then reshape your body.
VASER liposuction is a relatively new kind of procedure that is especially effective in removing fat deposits, which aren't easily changed when you change your lifestyle. It's less traumatising than traditional liposuction and comes with numerous advantages, such as a faster recovery with less scarring. The results are evident within a short time after the procedure, but you must remain healthy to ensure that they last.
Click here for more information about the procedure.
Book your Consultation
Contact Manchester Private Hospital’s team on 0161 507 0822 to discuss VASER liposuction or email them at