Welcome to Your 40s: 4 Things for You to Think About
Congratulations on making it to your 40s! Some say this is when life begins, so there’s much to look forward to. Although you’re probably not going to feel any different overnight, new decades do come with unique experiences and responsibilities, which can be seen as an exciting thing. Don’t dwell on the fact that you’re getting older - be proud that you’ve made it this far! You’re only getting wiser, learning more about the world and the people around you. So, here, we are going to have a look at some of the things for you to think about as you enter your 40s. Read on for more.
Unfortunately, as retirement age gets ever closer, it’s time to give your pension serious thought. If you’ve had a few jobs over the years, then you may find you have multiple different pension pots. It’s a good idea for you to have a look at all of these, and consider consolidating them so they’re all easy to manage in one place. You can do this with the help of Wealthify, for example. When your pensions are consolidated, you can then more clearly see how much they will be worth when the time comes for you to access them. This will allow you to have a clearer vision of your future, so you can plan accordingly.
Your 40s are an empowering age. Often as we get older, we care less about what others think and we feel free to simply be ourselves. So, embrace this as much as possible! Focus on yourself. Tick off more of the things from your bucket list. You’re still able to learn, grow and achieve just as much as you could when in your 20s - never let the idea that you’re ‘too old’ hold you back. It’s simply not true. Travel the world. Try new things. Live your life to the fullest!
We hate to bring it up but menopause is an inevitable eventuality around this decade of life, as it typically occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55 years. Menopause can be uncomfortable physically and mentally but it is something that will pass with time. You can prepare for menopause by looking after yourself as well as possible. Focus on your diet, exercise, and keeping your mind healthy. This is also more important when you reach your 40s as your metabolism will start to slow down a lot more, so your weight may be more difficult to maintain.
Not to be all doom and gloom, but things can be more difficult physically as you get older. However, if you try to live a healthier lifestyle as you age, you’ll give yourself the best possible chance to combat the ageing process. At this point in your life, you’re probably more financially secure than you were in your younger years. This means you are more likely to have the means to treat yourself - so sign up to that yoga class, or buy yourself that exercise bike. There’s no better investment than your health.