How to Make Your Bedroom a Relaxing Oasis for an Excellent Night’s Sleep
The bedroom is arguably the most important room in the house. It is where we rest and relax, allowing us to recharge and face the day ahead. If your bedroom doesn’t aid relaxation, it isn’t doing its job correctly, and low-quality sleep can impact our lives in many ways. Many people don’t realise the difference their sleep environment can make to their quality of sleep, but it can make all the difference.
You’ll need to consider the whole room when it comes to improving the space for the best night’s sleep. Everything from lighting to colour schemes and décor to the bed itself should be factored in. Putting a little planning and time into making your bedroom the most relaxing space possible is invaluable.
Invest In New High-Quality Bedsheets
There’s nothing like climbing into bed with brand-new, super-soft sheets. Many people buy two or three sets of bedsheets that they cycle through, but over time they may become threadbare and worn. This can make sleeping in them less relaxing and lower your chances of getting an excellent night’s sleep. You could consider buying three or four sets of new, high-quality bedsheets so that you cycle through them slower, allowing them to keep their quality longer. Invest in high thread count sheets for the best aid to rest and relaxation possible.
Make The Colour Scheme Calming
Too much bright colour in the bedroom can interrupt sleep or make it harder to nod off. When you enter the bedroom, all things should be curated to help your brain recognise that it is time to rest. Relaxed, muted and neutral tones are the best options for the bedroom. Consider using shades like grey, green, white or black in the bedroom, with accents of muted pinks, purples and blues to make the space feel luxurious and relaxing.
Keep Clutter To A Minimum
Clutter is one of the biggest enemies of a good night’s sleep. Clutter can build up quickly in the bedroom, so it is crucial to keep on top of it. Avoid letting laundry pile up in the bedroom and ensure that if you take something out to use it, you put it back where it belongs when you’re done with it. Doing a quick declutter every day can be a great way to keep on top of things, though be sure to declutter in the morning or daytime and not straight before bed.
Avoid Doing Chores In The Bedroom
Doing chores in the bedroom can make you start to associate the space with things other than getting a good night’s sleep. While some tasks, like cleaning the bedroom itself or changing the sheets, can’t be avoided, it is essential not to bring in chores from elsewhere in the house to do in the bedroom. Things like ironing, sorting laundry and doing work or homework should be limited to other areas of the house.
Get A New Mattress
Our mattresses are one of the might important things when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. If it’s been a while since you last replaced your mattress and you’ve noticed a dip in the quality of your sleep, investing in a new one could be the solution to your sleeping problems. You should always test out a mattress in person to find the proper support and give you the best night’s sleep possible.
Add Some Stylish Finishing Touches
Finishing touches are vital when redecorating or restyling a room, helping bring the overall look together and boost your enjoyment of the space. There are plenty of finishing touches you could use in your bedroom, from elegant light shades to accessories throughout the area. Corston’s quality clear light switches are an excellent option to give your bedroom some uniqueness and personality.
Use Soft Lighting
Harsh lighting is definitely not conducive to a great night’s sleep. It is a good idea to have various light sources throughout your bedroom to provide the right lighting you need. This could include overhead lighting using soft, warm light to see by and bedside lamps to use just before you go to bed. Avoid any lighting that looks overly artificial or harsh anywhere in the bedroom.
Set The Right Temperature
Our temperature when we sleep can make a massive difference to our quality of sleep. Being too warm is a common complaint of people who struggle to sleep well throughout the night, so consider turning the radiators down in your bedroom, so it doesn’t get too warm throughout the day or night.
However, be cautious of making the room too cold, as being too cold can often be as uncomfortable as being too warm. Finding a level of coolness in the bedroom so that you can feel cosy and warm in your bed is crucial. If you really struggle with this during the summer months, you could consider investing in a single-room air conditioning unit to help you get better sleep.
Block Out Noise And Light
Light and noise are two of the main things that will keep you from getting a quality, uninterrupted night’s sleep. Both can often be effectively blocked out by using quality window coverings. Shutters, blinds or curtains can all be great at keeping the light out of your room, ensuring you don’t get woken prematurely by the sun coming up. A combination of shutters or blinds and curtains can be ideal for blocking out noise, particularly if you live in a built-up area or busy main road.
Add A Weighted Throw Blanket
A weighted blanket can be an excellent sleep aid for anyone who struggles to get to sleep or stay asleep. Weighted blankets are thought to use deep pressure stimulation to increase the production of sleep and relaxation hormones, making it faster and easier to get to sleep at night. They are also a truly cosy and comfortable addition to the bedroom, helping make the space look all the more relaxing.
Bring In Some Plants And Flowers
Greenery and nature can have an incredible impact on our minds and mental health. They can also aid relaxation, which is key to getting a good night’s sleep. Adding a few potted plants and vases of fresh flowers around your bedroom can be ideal for promoting healthy sleep patterns and reducing stress. They are also effortlessly stylish, making them a great option to include throughout the house for an excellent relaxation aid.
Add The Right Scent
Our sense of smell can be a powerful aid to sleep and relaxation, helping you to nod off easier each night. You should select the scent you use in the bedroom carefully and test out various scents that can help you get to sleep quicker and sleep more deeply. The best scent options include ylang-ylang, lavender, sandalwood and chamomile. You can spread the scent around your room as you sleep using a reed diffuser, room spray or electric essential oil diffuser.
There are so many ways that you can turn your bedroom into a relaxing oasis, helping you get the best night’s sleep possible. It is essential to feel comfortable and happy in your bedroom, and the décor and environment can make all the difference in this goal. It is best to start with a plan, so consider looking online for some bedroom décor inspiration that could help you find the right additions and alterations to make at home.