Pack Your Holiday Luggage Right
It’s that time of year when people are busy preparing for their holidays and searching for their passports. One of the essential parts of planning your holiday is how you pack your luggage, which usually depends on whether you will travel by car or fly to your destination. Everyone wants to take the right amount on holiday – to have everything that you need when you need it, but to not overpack either. Here are some tips and reminders to stop you going overboard!
What To Pack: Depending On The Weather At The Destination
Clothing-wise, the weather is obviously a big factor, and you must dress appropriately. If you’re traveling somewhere hot, you’ll need looser clothing made of natural fibres. If it’s colder in your destination area, you'll need to remember layers for under those thick jumpers. Try to lay out outfits before you go, so that you don’t end up taking a top that won’t go with anything else.
The correct shoes are an essential consideration for every family member. In the winter, you may need to pack shoes with thermal insoles, but don’t forget lighter shoes or slippers for when you’re inside. For hotter weather, you may want to consider lighter shoes like sandals or flip-flops but consider whether you are planning lots of walking – you might need something more substantial too. Bull Boys shoes have a great selection of sandal-style shoes with grippy soles.
How To Pack Your Clothes: Roll Them Right
The easiest way to pack your clothes is if you roll them. Rolling clothes will save space and fit nicely in packing cubes.
While there are many different methods of rolling clothes, one of the best methods of rolling clothes is to roll up t-shirts and tops first and then roll longs sleeved tops around them for additional layers. This can be done with trousers too by rolling the legs first with socks or underwear in the middle.
Pro tip: if you're flying, wear your heaviest items on the plane to avoid making your suitcase too heavy and incurring extra fees.
Organize Your Bags: For The Best Experience
Try to make sure each family member has their own bag or suitcase to keep their things separate. Packing cubes are especially helpful if you are going to multiple locations as you can pull out the relevant cube rather than unpacking the whole suitcase to find the items you need.
Pro tip: if you’re traveling with multiple bags, always make sure they are all labelled with your name and address. This will help you and your bags be reunited should they get lost on your travels.
What Not To Pack: Items To Leave At Home
Before starting to pack lay out all of your outfits on a bed to see what you will be wearing each day – this can help you to see that one top would do instead of three. If you’re going on holiday for over a week, don’t forget that there are likely to be washing facilities available somewhere – you don’t need to take so many items ‘just in case of accidents’.
Decant toiletries into smaller containers – there’s no need to take your full-size bottle of shampoo.
If you’re travelling by air, leave anything under restrictions behind – you can do without for the week. If you need to take any liquids in your carry-on, pack small items like toiletries into zip-lock bags before you go to speed up airport checks.
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