Energy saving tips to alleviate ‘fuel stress’ as October's Price Cap Increase
With the increase in the energy price cap starting on October 1, homeowners are looking for ways in which they can save on their energy bills. This energy rise could plunge millions of Brits into "fuel stress" this winter. Fuel stress is when at least 10 per cent of the household's total expenditure goes on energy bills.
To help prepare for the increase, Matthew Jenkins, heating expert at MyJobQuote has shared his top 5 tips to save energy.
Switch off standby mode
You can save a considerable amount off your energy bills each year simply by remembering to switch your appliances off their standby mode.
Almost every electrical appliance comes with a standby mode, and you can switch off most of these at the plug without it having any effect on the programming. It may be worth considering investing in a smart plug or standby saver, which can allow you to turn every appliance off standby with the push of a button.
If you're unsure about any of your appliances, it's always best to check the manual or instructions for further advice. Some TV recorders may need to be left plugged in to keep track of the programmes that you wish to record.
Draught-Proof windows and doors
Unless you have a new home, it's very likely that you'll lose at least some of the heat from your home through draughts around the windows and doors, gaps around the flooring, or through the chimney.
It would be a good idea to hire a professional draught-proofing company who can come out and draught-proof your doors and windows. They will also block any cracks in your skirting boards and floors.
Although this does come at the cost of around £200-£300, you will end up saving money on your energy bills in the long run.
Some other ways in which you can keep the heat in are ensuring that your windows and doors are tightly locked during the winter and keeping your curtains closed whenever the sun is down.
Get savvy in the kitchen
You can easily save some money on your energy bills by making a few simple changes in the kitchen. Kettles are one of the most commonly used appliances in UK kitchens. However, did you know that most people tend to boil the kettle with more water than is needed? If this sounds like you, you can save a considerable amount of money on your energy bills by avoiding overfilling the kettle when you use it.
You could also consider adding an aerator to your kitchen tap to reduce the amount of water that flows out of it without affecting its ability to rinse or wash. An aerator attaches to your tap’s spout and they are cheap and very easy to install.
Additionally, you may want to look at your current appliances and switch some of them to more energy-efficient models. Old appliances, in particular, tend to use a lot of energy, so consider switching some of your older appliances with new models.
Install a smart thermostat
Smart thermostats are great for making your heating more efficient as you can just heat the room that you’re using at any one time. A smart thermostat will learn the length of time it takes to heat your home so that it can heat it to the right temperature at the right time.
Another benefit of installing a smart thermostat is that they can be controlled by your smartphone through an app. This means that you can easily switch your heating off if you're out of the house and realise you've left it on.
Limiting your heating to just the room that’s being used at the time can result in you saving a considerable amount of energy as you won’t be wasting energy on heating rooms that aren’t in use.
Additionally, you should also consider turning your thermostat down a little. Make use of things like hot water bottles and blankets if you really want to take advantage of saving money on your heating bills.
Install a new boiler
In addition to installing a smart thermostat, a new boiler system can result in you saving a considerable amount on your energy bills. Companies that sell boilers tend to boast about the energy efficiency of their new models, and this is usually one of the most advertised aspects of new boilers.
Older boilers tend to be much less energy efficient than these newer models. If you have owned your boiler for over 10-15 years, it is recommended that you purchase a new one anyway. So, if you’ve owned your current boiler for a long while, it may be worth considering getting a new one. Not only because you'll be able to save money on your energy bills but also so that you can prevent any costly repairs or faults that may come up.
By upgrading your boiler system to a new A-rated boiler with a programmer, room thermostats and radiator controls, you could save up to around £300-£500 on your energy bills each year.