How To Save Money on Double Glazing
Double glazing can be a considerable investment for homeowners to make, yet installing double glazing can more than pay for itself in just a few years in the amount of energy savings they make.
With the ever-increasing cost of gas and electricity bills, insulating your house makes so much sense and makes it as energy-efficient as possible. Part of that would be to replace single-pane windows and drafty wooden doors with double glazing alternatives.
But did you know that you can save a lot of money on your double glazing by buying more? We know it seems contradictory to suggest you spend more money on your double glazing, but don't forget that a big chunk of your costs goes towards labour costs.
When you have new windows and doors fitted, you will be paying the installation company for their labour. The extra double glazing units you buy won't double your bill, so why not make the most of their services while working in your home by having your whole house double glazed at once.
You can often negotiate a better deal to buy in bulk when you invest in multiple windows and doors from a double glazing company. You can save money on the price per window or door while the company still gets a good return.
Why do homeowners only part double glaze?
Many homeowners choose to partial double glaze first by only having the front or back of the property fitted, leaving the rest to be done in a year or two. This can be because the weather constantly batters one side of their house, and the existing windows are in bad shape.
Or, if they plan to remodel their kitchen or add an extension at the back of the house, they will choose to double glaze the front of the house and leave the back of the house untouched until their building project has been completed.
Why part glazing can cost more
Delaying having your home fully double glazed can cost you more in the long run. Not only will you be paying for the installation team to come out to you again, but you may end up paying full price for your double glazed units because you are ordering a smaller number.
Many double glazing firms will usually charge you a lower price the more units you buy, and because you will only be calling them out once for your installation, you won't be paying higher labour costs. Don't forget that extra costs are factored into your bill, including fuel costs, travel time and waste removal and disposal.
It can work out cheaper for you, in the long run, to buy more double glazing and have your whole house fitted in one go than spreading the job out, especially when you can make the most of any special offers or discounts being offered that might not be available later on.
Seasonal savings
You may also be able to save a lot of money on your new double glazing by making the most of seasonal sales. For example, you can often take advantage of incentives being offered by a double glazing company during the winter.
People prefer to have new windows and doors installed during the summer because the weather is warmer and drier. But if you are happy to pull on a woolly jumper or slip into a warm overcoat for the day, you can make the most of any winter double glazing deals on offer.
Maintaining your existing double glazing
If you already have double glazing installed in your home and it still has a few good years of life left in it, then it helps to keep it clean and well maintained to improve its longevity.
However, if you notice you have misted glass where one of your window panels has misted up on the inside between the glass panes, you could have a failed glass panel within a window. Having a failed panel doesn't necessarily mean you need to replace all of your double glazing.
When condensation builds up between your window panes, it is a sign that the seal around the double glazing unit has failed. This means the sealed glass unit within the frame will need to be replaced.
Check to see if your windows are still under warranty and if so, your double glazing company should be able to replace the failed unit for you free of charge.
We would never recommend you try to repair any failed window panes yourself, as removing the seals or gaskets can loosen the glass panes, and they can become hazardous. Repairing failed windows is best left to the professionals.
If your windows are out of warranty, or you know that they are very old, having them wholly replaced may be your best option.