4 Essential things to do when planning your wedding

Liv Butler
Authored by Liv Butler
Posted: Friday, April 22, 2022 - 16:56

And no, it is not saying yes to the dress or creating the ultimate dancefloor playlist.

2020 was the year that couples got engaged but not married. Social restrictions imposed throughout the UK due to the Covid-19 pandemic kept people isolated indoors, causing a flurry of proposals with partners who were holed up at home together. Conversely, the regulations also caused a tidal wave of postponements to weddings planned for 2020. Add these two trends together and it is unsurprising that 2021 was far and away the busiest year for weddings in the UK since the start of the millennium. 2022 is set to follow close behind as the wedding industry continues to play catch up.

Joining yourself with your partner in crime will be one of the most joyful moments of your life. However, this doesn’t mean that the journey from proposal to marriage is a breeze, no matter how much you feel like you are floating on air. In amongst arranging the venue, catering, band and photographer, don’t forget to prioritise these essential things when planning your wedding.

Consider a pre-nuptial agreement

No one likes talking about money, but it is essential to consider your finances when getting married. Avoid future disputes with your partner by using family law solicitors to create a legal agreement which clarifies your financial rights in the event of a divorce. It may seem wrong to think about divorce in the run-up to your wedding day, but it is important to take steps to safeguard your future.

Create a joint bank account

If you haven’t already done so, think about creating a joint bank account. Whether you want to combine all of your savings into one pot or keep your earnings separate, a joint account is still a good idea. Use it to save for a big post-wedding purchase such as a house, or simply to pay for small, shared outgoings like your utility bills and the weekly food shop.

Make a Will

Not particularly romantic, perhaps, but another essential thing to do before your wedding is to make a Will. If you or your partner has an independent Will already in place, this is automatically revoked as soon as you are married. Avoid being left unprotected and organise a new joint agreement in advance of your wedding. That way, all you need to think about after the big day is the honeymoon!

Discuss children

Before legally joining yourself with your partner, discuss whether or not you want to have children. Even if the answer is ‘I’m not sure yet’, it is important that you both enter the marriage knowing where the other stands on the idea of starting your own family. If there are already children involved, be clear on the legal responsibilities you will be taking on by agreeing to help raise them.



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