How to “Spring-ify” Eczema-Prone Skin
When you suffer from sensitive or eczema-prone skin, it is important to give your skin some extra love. Knowing about best practices and trustworthy brands, like Medovie, Nomads or Panda, can help to better your transition to spring.
Spring is just around the corner, and it is safe to say we are all ready for a little bit of sunshine and to give our skin a break from the cold winter. Luckily, skincare brands like Medovie have developed products that help us care for our skin for the spring season.
For some, springtime is prime-skin time, especially if you suffer from sensitive skin or skin conditions, like eczema. For others, the spring can be an additional trigger with seasonal pollen and hay fever.
No matter what spring means for your skin, I have narrowed down the top 5 tips to spring-ify your skin in order to experience your best spring yet.
1. Just because winter is ending, do not stop moisturising!
No matter the season, keeping your skin moisturized should always be a priority.
You want to ensure that you are using products from brands that aim to help to restore the skin’s protective barrier, which can help keep unwanted flare-ups away. Brands like Medovie aim to gain this protection and work to help you with restless skin needs.
2. Wear loose cotton clothing and stay dry
If you are struggling with eczema-prone skin, you are going to want to make sure your clothing stays dry as the temperatures rise. This goes for people with sensitive skin, too.
If you are wet for any reason, whether it is because of sweat or because you are recreating the famous scene from “Flashdance,” make sure to change your clothing right away.
Stick to brands that use blends of cotton for your clothing. I would say go the extra step and support ethical brands like Nomads that use 100% cotton and are made by fair trade partners.
3. Avoid exposure to hot or chlorinated water
The chemicals found in chlorinated pools and hot tubs are a problem for skin in general. When you throw sensitive skin into the mix, you might want to think twice about how long you expose your skin to these waters.
I am not saying avoid pools and hot tubs, but make sure you are rinsing off as much of the chlorine as possible once you are finished.
If there are no showers on-site, I suggest carrying a spray bottle filled with water to spritz off the areas most prone to eczema. Afterwards, pat dry and moisturize to protect your skin.
4. Stay hydrated
This should be a must no matter what your skin needs are (unless instructed otherwise by a doctor or medical specialist). By drinking plenty of water, you will help your body maintain a normal temperature, which can help reduce sweating.
Also, water is generally a great source to maintaining clear skin, so it is a win-win no matter how you look at it.
5. Review your bedding
Spring is often a time for “out with the old, and in with the new.”
While you are putting away the layers of winter bedding, make sure you are considering fabrics that will allow your skin to breathe at night. This goes for everyone – not just people who suffer from eczema or sensitive skin. Similar to your clothing choices and avoiding materials that may make you sweat, opting for brands that provide quality bedding that supports your skin needs, such as Panda, is best.
If you are making any changes to your regular routine and are unsure of how this may impact your skin, it is always best to consult with a dermatologist or medical professional. Every skin story is different and unique, and the main idea is to find the routine that works best for you. The most important thing is not to stress and let the sunshine bring you brighter days.
Happy (and itch-free) spring to everyone!