5 Tips for tidying up in 2021

5 Tips for tidying up in 2021

Authored by Mary
Posted: Friday, March 19, 2021 - 15:42

Last year, many of you used your homes like you never had before. Due to the new normal that the whole world was in, everyone was forced to use their home as their work office, their children’s home school, the family’s own little gym, and more. Aside from that, a lot of things always take place in your residence, like cooking, kids playing around, and your pets going in and out of your living room. Ultimately, keeping your place organized became more challenging as the year went on.  

With the multiple purposes that your homes had to serve for you last year, it’s vital that you keep your home as comfortable and tidy as possible. Sometimes, most people feel overwhelmed by the thought of tidying up an entire house that they end up not doing it. However, the longer you put it off, the more stressful and daunting it will be later.  

Looking at your home now, you may feel hopeless and paralyzed about where to start and could really use some organizing tips to help you with this handful job. For your guide, here are five tips on how you can tidy up for 2021.

  1. Pick One Space to Start

Tidying up an entire house may seem like a massive job at first, but it’s actually doable if you have a plan. Create a plan in which you list which areas you will start cleaning first. This will serve as your guide so you won’t get lost in track with your cleaning and end up skipping some spaces. Another pro tip, it’s always best to start cleaning on the second floor if you have a two-story home, or you can start in the bedroom if you only have a one-story house. Then, you can work your way down to the living room, kitchen, and then the outdoors.

  1. Get Rid of the Excess Things You Own

Whether you admit it or not, every homeowner has kept a few useless pieces at home lurking around. Sometimes, you won’t even notice that you’re already filled with unnecessary items until you closely pay attention. Thus, as you go on every space to clean up, make sure to get rid of the things you know you won’t need anymore. See which ones can still be donated and which ones should be gone for good. Then, make sure to dispose of these items properly. You can check this site which offers disposal of rubbish on the same day, and you won’t have to worry about your trash being left off for extended days.

  1. Pay Attention to Your Glass Windows

It’s the windows that are often easily forgotten during home cleaning. Your windows are the eyes of your home. That’s also one thing that outsiders notice first when they look at your house. Even if you claim to have a clean house, if your windows are untidy, people will still assume that your home is dusty after being untouched for months. To tidy up your windows, use a mixture of vinegar and water and put it in a spray bottle. You can use this to wipe your windows clean before letting them air-dry.

  1. Organize

The way you organize and arrange your space can make a massive difference to your home’s tidiness. The best way that you can organize everything you own is by grouping them according to category. For instance, you can organize your closet by folding your clothes and piling all the same types of clothes together. Pants must be folded away with the other pants, while your shirts must be kept with the rest of your shirts. 

The same goes for your kitchen. Make use of your plastic containers to store and organize your kitchen tools. All types of knives can be in one box, and the other kitchen ladles and cooking utensils must be put away in a separate container. Not only will this method tidy up your home, but it’ll also make it easier for you to locate things whenever you need them.

  1.  Avoid Buying Items You Don’t Need

Just because you want to tidy up your home doesn’t mean it’s also a sign that you need to buy new items for your interior. Remember that less is more, and the lesser things you keep around, the cleaner your home will be. Instead of adding new items in an effort to change up your home a bit, why not swap things up? If your space allows you, you can work with the few items you have and interchange their placements and arrangements in your home. There you will discover how a simple rearrangement of your sofa, tables, and other furniture can create a difference to your interior’s overall look.

Start Tidying Up Now

Keep these tips in mind, and you are on your way to keeping your home clean and sparkly for this year. Make sure to establish your own personal goals on what you would like to expect at the end of this entire cleaning project. This ultimate goal will help you out stay on track and ultimately finish what you started. Always remember that an organized and clean home equals a happy and healthy family.


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