Takeaways can increase your carbon footprint

Takeaways can increase your carbon footprint by upto 450%

We all know that feeling of wanting to save the washing up and order from your favourite takeaway, but do you know how much energy is used when ordering from the likes of  Deliveroo, UberEats, or Just Eat?

A new study from Uswitch has revealed how much Co2 is emitted when ordering food delivery, what that is equivalent to, and how your cooking and eating habits are affecting your carbon footprint. 


Your carbon footprint is your individual total carbon emissions, or how much extra carbon you put into the atmosphere through your actions, choices, and lifestyle. Many of our daily activities contribute to the rising levels of carbon emissions the world is experiencing. 

Cooking is a necessity, but generating heat requires an expenditure of energy. This creates a carbon footprint that affects our planet significantly, causing global warming and climate change. 

Even searching for takeaway options pumps out more Co2. Every Google, takeaway order and message sent requires power, and that power produces carbon.

Ordering from Just Eat is the worst for the environment 

The study from Uswitch reveals that every time you open your favourite delivery app, 0.778kWh of Co2 is emitted on average. This is equivalent to the amount of carbon that on average 4.6 trees absorb in a year. The data reveals that Deliveroo is the most energy-efficient delivery option, with 54.03kg of Co2 emitted yearly based on 10,000 visits per month, in comparison to JustEat who emit a whopping 138.76kg of Co2. To put this in perspective, this is enough electricity for Just Eat to drive an electric car 1,870km

Your carbon footprint is 450% higher if you spend £50 on takeaway a week

If your household spends on average around £50 a week on takeaway,your carbon footprint will be 450% higher a year than those who don’t! In comparison, spending up to £10 per week means your carbon footprint score is up 52%. While the likes of Deliveroo, UberEats, and Just Eat might be convenient, the price you’ll be paying is more than just financial. 

Eating meat increases your carbon footprint by 125%

Meat consumption is one of the main causes of carbon emissions. The data reveals that those who eat meat in every meal, spend up to £10 on food delivery services, drive up to 15 hours per week, and recycle all waste have a carbon footprint score of 125%. In comparison vegetarians who spend between £10-£50 on takeaways, drive up to two hours per day, and recycle have a carbon footprint score of 89%

Plant-based options could reduce your carbon footprint by 70%

Cutting meat and dairy products from your diet could reduce your carbon footprint by 70%, as suggested by the University of Oxford. Uswitch found that If all the meat/fish eaters in the UK switched to a vegan diet for a year, they would save around 57.1 billion kgs (57,100 tonnes) of CO2. To put this into perspective, this would equate to the average energy consumption of 5,977 UK homes for a year, or driving 128,536,591 miles by an average car. This is equal to driving around the world 5170 times (point to point). 

How to lower your carbon footprint

In a recent survey, Uswitch found that 98% of Brits think they know how to reduce their carbon footprint, with 34% actually attempting to do so.

There are some common tips and tricks that can help you make a quick and lasting dent:

  • Switch to a renewable energy plan
  • Install a smart meter to monitor what is using the most energy,l saving you money in the long run
  • Change your kitchen habits - be mindful of how you’re using the kettle and dishwasher
  • Washing your clothes on a 30-40°C will save you a significant amount of money
  • Meat Free Mondays to help slow climate change by reducing meat consumption
  • Switch off your electronics rather than leaving them on standby
  • Choose to walk or use public transport where possible
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